This month is all about butterfly. While I was strolling along a stream not too far from my house yesterday, I came across these beautiful male butterflies (Pendlebury's Zebra) feeding on minerals from the sandy soil. The essential minerals which have leached from the surrounding soil and rocks may be used to make pheromones (chemical substances that males use to attract females) and sperms.
Though they were not beautifully-coloured (as butterflies are known for the beauty of their colourful wings), this species however still looked attractive with white spots and stripes beautified their dark brown wings. The body (abdomen) was brown-white-striped whilst the throax and the head were black with some white spots.
After nearly 30 minutes of 'stalking' these dazzling airborne creatures, I finally got a sequence of around 20 shots and these are the images that I am genuinely pleased with.